Our History
Kulm Baptist Church began as Swedish Baptist Church on July 4, 1892, according to the book “Kulm, ND, 125 Years, 1892-2017.” The church was located in Swede Township and cost $664.90 to build. An addition was built and rededicated on June 27, 1909, along with a parsonage sometime between 1912 and 1914, before a building fund was established in 1945.
Members voted to have all services held in English on April 6, 1937.
The upper structure for the new church was built in 1948, and the old church was torn down in 1949.
Swedish Baptist Church became Kulm Baptist Church in 1953. Kulm Baptist Church was moved from its location in Swede Township to its present location in Kulm on Nov. 19, 1962. The cost to move the church and finish the basement and entry cost about $40,000.
The church is active because of God’s faithfulness and the faithful service of its members. If God isn’t working in people’s lives, churches can’t survive.